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Society for Inclusion through Neurosomatic Education

A brief history

The Society for Inclusion through NeuroSomatic Education is a non-profit organization that started in 2023. We embrace a strategy of empowering vulnerable people and their support networks, leveraging scientific knowledge and advocating for change with a real impact.  We are a group of parents, practitioners, and therapists from around the world who came together out of a realization that true inclusion will only happen if we work from both perspective: the perspective of the person who is limited in their participation, and the perspective of the system that wants to include them.


At the same time, we also realized that most medical professions and education networks, that are supposed to support vulnerable people, are not fully leveraging the advances of science, and in particular neuroscience. Scientific advances that could help us create a more equitable society are not being tapped into. 


NeuroSomatic Education is a broad term that refers to science-based methods, approaches, tools and practices that are based on the brain-body continuum and integration: leveraging both brain-based (neuro) and body-based (somatic) aspects for more impact at individual and social levels. We firmly believe that the piecemeal approaches of the past are preventing vulnerable people from fully participating in society.   The modalities we promote are rooted in science, evidence based, and are designed to help people develop holistically to overcome their challenges and participate meaningfully.


Get Involved

Family Portrait
Medical Staff
Wheelchair on the Beach

I am a parent

Resources for parents, families, caregivers and supporters of vulnerable children. 

I am a professional

Resources for practitioners, therapists, doctors, educators and social support teams 

I am a vulnerable person

Resources for adults facing limits in their social participation


Our Board of Directors is comprised of parents, vulnerable persons, practitioners and/or therapists who are also members and elected annually. Members are either individuals or partner organizations. We hold an annual General Assembly at which we conduct elections, present annual budgets and workplaces, and report on achievements and finance.   Additionally, we appoint advisors and an advisory committee comprised of scientists and medical professionals to help us screen and assess various practices, modalities and approaches. 

The Board of Directors

We’re very proud of the diversity of our team, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success. 

Joana Talafré

Founding Member, President (2023-2024)

Simon Grégorcic

Parent member, Secretary of the Board

Veronique Bélanger

Volunteer member, Director of Member Relations

Yves Gélineau-Larrivet

Practitioner Member, Treasurer

The Advisory Board

Our work is informed by the recommendations and analysis of our advisory board.  Every year, the Board of Director invites recognized professionals from all professions to serve as advisors to our work.  They help us examine modalities and recommend practices, steer our work and special projects, and contribute to research.  If you want to contribute as an advisory board member, please get in touch! 

In the Classroom

"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"

Thomas Edison

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