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See what we've got cooking! This year is our first year of activity.  Our first objective is to get the word out and reach as many people as possible. 


Our first project is to increase our membership and start getting the word out about all the different NeuroSomatic modalities that can support inclusion.  Watch for us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, see us on YouTube or read our blog! 


The NeuroSchool

We have a clear vision about what inclusion at school should be. Our goal is to create the first Neuro School of its kind, where all learners will be welcome and supported, and we build on each others' strengths.  We'll create a new way of teaching that is based on neuroscience, leveraging movement and nature and play...

Stay tuned for more, and find out how you can help!

Educational Gardening


In 2024 we plan to hold a series of in-person and online workshops for families, vulnerable persons,  and professionals. Register to the newsletter to find out dates and themes, or request a workshop in your area!

Performing Art Class
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